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Understanding Vascular Calcification and Its Implications in Coronary Artery Disease

In this week’s blog, we are taking a look at calcification of our vessels, which can lead to coronary artery calcification and blockage leading to a coronary event such as a heart attack.

Understanding Vascular Calcification and Its Implications in Coronary Artery Disease.

Here is a quiz I sent to members of my Heart Health Accelerator Cardiac Wellness Program after last night’s group Zoom coaching call about microvascular calcification.  How would your answers to these questions line up?  To follow is this week’s blog post. Learn and enjoy!

Cardiovascular Calcification Pop Quiz-Answer Key


What is a contributing factor to inflammation that may be causing cardiovascular calcification?

Infection can cause inflammation that leads to Coronary Artery Disease and calcification of coronary arteries and valves. 

We are most concerned about a long term chronic inflammation, such as a root canal as discussed, that could be simmering asymptomatically for years, Lyme disease, oral disease, HIV, Herpes, latent chicken pox/shingles, STDs and more. These long term chronic infections cause the inflammation that our (good guy) cholesterol covers to protect. 

Inflammation is a protective response from the body.

What blood test can assess for this contributing factor?

A CBC (complete blood count with differential) 

Where does this calcification start?

Calcification begins in the microvascular level, which is why protecting the microvascular system is critical. 

Name 4 things you can do to mitigate calcification, other than removing inflammation by avoiding certain foods?

When you are in-flames, inflamed, grounding is critical, as noted in our discussion regarding the electrical potential of our heart, brain, cells and cellular membranes. increasing Nitric Oxide, as discussed through food and breathwork-(type and method). Warm water with lemon, Vitamin D supplemented with K2, Infrared Sauna and Bemer (see my website under the Bemer and Higher Dose Tabs). Hydrate. Eliminate toxins, including toxic thoughts and relationships for stress mitigation.

Extra credit:

What are the differentials of the blood test named above and what does each one we discussed look for?

Two of the differentials we want to look at are two types of white blood cells:

  1. Increased Neutrophils signify a bacterial infection

  2. Decreased Lymphocytes signify a viral infection.

Identifying the infection source is the first step in stopping the inflammation causing the plaque and calcification. 

Some of you have taken the experimental injections and it would be good to look at the state of your immune system by reviewing the full differential of your white blood cells and Ig immune cells. As discussed, your white blood cell count might be in “normal” range, however once you look inside, one type is high, one type is low, and in total, they look “good-in normal range”, but when broken down there are problems presenting. “Long Covid” may be the ongoing immune hit as a result of the injections or infection. We discussed the homeopathic protocol by Dr. Peter McCullough (cardiologist) of the Front Line Critical Care Physicians, for remediation of Spike Proteins. His Instagram: @petermcculloughmd Very inspiring, hopeful and informational.

Note: As discussed, “Normal” blood ranges are now skewed, and “Normal” is adjusted to accommodate the mean of a very sick population. Normal isn’t a normal healthy person, it is someone with disease processes, eating poorly, riding the sofa, diabetic, multiple comorbidities. This is why it is so important to continue to advocate for our health and to be the detective uncovering how to analyze labs properly looking at the big picture.

How did you do? Who is at the front of the class with their sharpened pencils? ;)


Our next Heart Health Accelerator Cardiac Wellness Program Zoom meeting will be Wed March 20, 7:30 pm EST.

See you Thrivers then! 


Understanding Vascular Calcification and Its Implications in Coronary Artery Disease


Vascular calcification is a pathological process characterized by the accumulation of calcium deposits in the blood vessel walls, particularly in the arteries. This phenomenon is associated with various cardiovascular diseases, notably coronary artery disease (CAD). CAD remains one of the leading causes of mortality worldwide. Understanding the mechanisms behind vascular calcification, its relationship with CAD, and adopting holistic prevention strategies are crucial in combating this health concern.

Mechanisms of Vascular Calcification

Vascular calcification is a complex process involving multiple factors. It occurs when calcium phosphate minerals, predominantly hydroxyapatite crystals, deposit in the extracellular matrix of blood vessel walls. This process parallels bone formation, involving osteogenic differentiation of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) and osteoblast-like activities.

Key Mechanisms:

  1. Osteogenic Differentiation: VSMCs transition from a contractile to an osteogenic phenotype, expressing bone-related proteins such as osteopontin, osteocalcin, and core-binding factor α1 (Runx2).

  2. Matrix Vesicle Formation: Matrix vesicles released by VSMCs serve as nucleation sites for calcium phosphate crystal deposition.

  3. Inflammation: Chronic inflammation triggers vascular calcification by promoting osteogenic differentiation and inducing endothelial dysfunction. Inflammation may be triggered by infection.

  4. Oxidative Stress: Reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated during inflammation contribute to VSMC dysfunction and calcification. ROS form free radicals in this process, and this is why anti-oxidant foods are so important in helping to clear out free radicals.

  5. Dysregulated Mineral Metabolism: Imbalances in calcium, phosphate, and vitamin D metabolism exacerbate vascular calcification. It is critical to have K2 with your Vitamin D supplementation to ensure the calcium is deposited into your bones and teeth. Supplementing Vitamin D alone will result in deposit of calcium directly into the arteries. 

Link between Vascular Calcification and Coronary Artery Disease

Coronary artery disease (CAD) is characterized by the buildup of atherosclerotic plaques in the coronary arteries, leading to impaired blood flow to the heart muscle. Vascular calcification plays a significant role in the progression and complications of CAD.

Some Implications:

  1. Plaque Stability: Calcified plaques are associated with increased plaque vulnerability and rupture, leading to acute coronary events such as myocardial infarction, a heart attack. Myo = muscle, cardial = heart, infarction = death of tissue.

  2. Stenosis and Ischemia: Extensive calcification within coronary arteries contributes to luminal narrowing, reducing coronary blood flow and causing myocardial ischemia (loss of oxygenation to the tissues).

  3. Microvascular Dysfunction: Vascular calcification impairs microvascular function, further compromising myocardial perfusion.

  4. Aortic Stiffness: Calcification of the aorta and other large arteries increases arterial stiffness, elevating systolic blood pressure and cardiac workload. Increasing the workload on the heart can lead to heart failure.

Some of the Blood Tests for Inflammation and Infection

Assessing inflammation and infection markers is essential for identifying individuals at risk of vascular calcification and CAD. Several blood tests provide insights into the inflammatory and infectious status of patients. 

vials of blood

A Few of the Key Tests:

  1. C-reactive Protein (CRP): CRP is a sensitive marker of systemic inflammation. Elevated levels indicate increased cardiovascular risk and predict adverse outcomes in CAD patients.

  2. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR): Elevated ESR reflects systemic inflammation and is associated with CAD severity and prognosis.

  3. White Blood Cell Count (WBC): Increased WBC count signifies inflammation and infection. Persistent leukocytosis is linked to atherosclerosis progression and cardiovascular events.

  4. Procalcitonin: Procalcitonin levels rise in bacterial infections, aiding in differentiating bacterial from non-bacterial causes of inflammation.

  5. Interleukin-6 (IL-6): IL-6 is a pro-inflammatory cytokine associated with atherosclerosis and CAD progression. Elevated IL-6 levels predict adverse cardiovascular outcomes.

Holistic Prevention of Coronary Artery Calcification

Preventing coronary artery calcification requires a comprehensive approach targeting modifiable risk factors, lifestyle modifications, and early detection of subclinical disease.


heart healthy fruits and vegetables

  1. Healthy Diet: Emphasize a plant-based diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Limit intake of processed foods, saturated fats, and added sugars.

  2. Regular Exercise: Engage in aerobic exercise and strength training to improve cardiovascular health, reduce inflammation, and promote vascular health.

  3. Smoking Cessation: Quit smoking to reduce oxidative stress, inflammation, and vascular damage.

  4. Stress Management: Practice stress-reducing techniques such as meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, and hobbies to lower cortisol levels and promote relaxation.

  5. Weight Management: Maintain a healthy weight through balanced nutrition and regular physical activity to reduce the burden on the cardiovascular system.

  6. Blood Pressure Control: Monitor blood pressure regularly and implement lifestyle modifications or medication as needed to maintain optimal blood pressure levels.

  7. Lipid Management: Control cholesterol levels through diet, exercise, and medications if necessary to prevent atherosclerosis and plaque formation.

  8. Diabetes Management: Manage blood glucose levels effectively through diet, exercise, medication, and regular monitoring to reduce the risk of vascular complications.

  9. Regular Screening: Undergo routine health screenings, including blood tests, blood pressure measurements, and imaging studies, to detect early signs of vascular calcification and CAD.

  10. 10.Supplementation: Consider supplementing with vitamin K2, magnesium, vitamin D, and antioxidants to support bone and vascular health and mitigate calcification.

  11. Adherence: Adhere to  holistic remediation of hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, and other comorbidities to optimize cardiovascular risk reduction. Incorporate holistic therapies such as acupuncture, massage, and herbal remedies under the guidance of qualified healthcare professionals to complement conventional treatments and promote overall well-being.


Vascular calcification is a multifactorial process intricately linked to the pathogenesis of coronary artery disease. Understanding the mechanisms driving calcification, identifying inflammation and infection markers, and adopting holistic prevention strategies are essential in mitigating the burden of CAD and improving cardiovascular outcomes. By addressing modifiable risk factors, promoting healthy lifestyle habits, and integrating conventional and holistic approaches, individuals can take proactive steps towards preserving vascular health and reducing the risk of coronary artery calcification and its sequelae.

To learn further how you can optimize your health and wellness, prevent cardiac disease and live the life you crave, book a 1:1 assessment consultation with me here We will discuss your medical history, your concerns and wellness goals, and assess if you are a candidate who will get results in my holistic cardiac wellness program.  A healthy body does not need to be on medications. You were not born deficient in beta blockers, statins and blood thinners. Let’s get you out of the loop of doctor visits and meds so you can become free to live your life without being ruled by your pillbox!

Notable products on my website for healing the microvascular tissue:

BEMER Pemf therapy and Higher Dose Infrared Sauna.

You can find more about these products in their tabs on my website. 

Here is some information about Infrared therapy from my prior Blog.

mary yuter signature

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