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The Program

I am so happy you are thinking of working with me!  Here are ways you and I can work together:


The core curriculum is eight contiguous weeks of lecture, 50 minutes of class each week via Facetime or phone. There are homework assignments--Yes, I said homework!  You won’t get marked down if it is late! We will follow a work plan supplementing the lecture of the weekly wellness focus. The program is customized for you based on what your needs are as noted below.


Pre-op preparation:

Optimize your wellness and mentally prepare you for cardiac surgery. On the “To Do” list: lung strengthening, preparing your oral cavity for ventilation, preparing your sternum for surgery, holistic Ayurveda techniques for cleansing and grounding, mental preparation, and ramping up nutritional needs for your body in prep for surgery. You may be rolling into the OR flashing a smile and a “thumb’s up” sign after our progress, because you will be READY!


Post-op recovery:

Create a foundation to help you adjust to your “new normal” after a cardiac surgery.  We will focus on education and expectations so you can manage your recovery with finesse!  I understand your hurdles, and guess what? I already knocked them down! Your path is clear!


Cardiac disease prevention:

Whether you have had a cardiac diagnosis or not, I designed this eight contiguous week course to put the brakes on cardiac disease, creating lifestyle changes that will benefit you for life. Heart disease is largely preventable! This means your “next” heart attack doesn’t ever have to be! Let’s kick this illness to the curb! My clients have dropped their cholesterol 30 points in 8 weeks without any additional medications. Drop that cholesterol like it’s HOT!


After program conclusion:

I offer spot check-in appointments for when you may need a “booster shot” of cardiac wellness support or a simple check-in on occasion!


Preparing for the program:

We will trend your baseline labs, to include lipids and inflammatory markers, vitals, and an EKG, at the beginning and at the conclusion of the program. I educate you on the cardiac disease process, what you can anticipate experiencing, and provide you with support and tools so you can approach this life hurdle in a frame that is mentally clear, empowered and grounded.


We will use modalities such as whole food plant based nutrition, and holistic Ayurveda treatments for wellness enhancement. We will implement customized cardiac yoga, to strengthen the intercostal muscles and open the sternal area in prep for surgery. I will create your own personal customized cardiac yoga flow! How cool is THAT?! The cardiac yoga I am trained in and develop for each patient is customized for the patient’s cardiac and medical history, medications and exercise tolerance. I also incorporate meditation and mindfulness tools to alleviate and redirect stress. I support you when facing the uncertainty of your disease process and surgery and step you through post-op recovery by providing tools so you can maximize control, comfort and assimilation into your “new normal.” 


The goal of my program is to educate, support and give clients tools so their cardiac health can be optimized, translating to less stress, empowerment, and a positive redirection in their cardiac and medical wellness journey.


How do you succeed in the program? The successful client in this program is HIGHLY motivated to completely change their nutrition and lifestyle, is open to new modalities they may not have experienced, and will be compliant with the program.


Please note: While the value of health is priceless, this program is not covered by insurance. The Heart to Soul Cardiac Wellness Program is a health investment.


How can I help you?


Let’s get started! Please see the CONSULT page of the website to set up a consultation.


Enjoy and share my cardiac wellness tips on Instagram: @hearttosoulcw


Email me at:

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